Peer-reviewed publications

Peer-reviewed publications by AUI staff


Anna Guðrún Thorhallsdottir, Jón Guðmundsson. Carbon dioxide fluxes and soil carbon storage in relation to long-term grazing and no grazing in Icelandic semi-natural grasslands. Applied Vegetation Science 26(4) 

Arnalds, O.; Marteinsdóttir, B.; Brink, SH; Thorsson, J. A framework model for current land condition in Iceland. PLOS ONE 18(7) 

Axmacher, Jan Christoph; Sang, Weiguo; Brennan, Ewan; Diekman, Maryse; Liu, Yunhui; Marples, Alice; Shi, Hongliang; Sui, Zhongzhou; Sun, Xiaojie; Warren-Thomas, Eleanor; Yang, Xin; Yu, Zhenrong; Bai, Fan; Li, Liangtao; Wang, Changliu; Wang, Xin; Zou, Yi. Regional sets of diverse, specialized ground beetle and plant assemblages recolonise China's restored temperate forest landscapes. Forest Ecology and Management 549 

Baldo, C.; Formenti, P.; Di Biagio, C.; Lu, G.; Song, C.; Cazaunau, M.; Pangui, E.; Doussin, J-F; Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P.; Arnalds, O.; Beddows, D.; MacKenzie, A.R. and Shi, Z. Complex refractive index and single scattering albedo of Icelandic dust in the shortwave spectrum.  Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics  23(14):7975–8000 

Barrio, I.C.; Rapini, A. Plants under pressure: the impact of environmental change on plant ecology and evolution. BMC Ecology and Evolution 23(1) 

Biplabi Bhattarai, Bjarni D. Sigurdsson, Páll Sigurdsson, Niki Leblans, Ivan Janssens, Wendelien Meynzer, Arun Kumar Devarajan, Jaak Truu, Marika Truu, Ivika Ostonen. Soil warming duration and magnitude affect the dynamics of fine roots and rhizomes and associated C and N pools in subarctic grasslands. Annals of Botany 132(2):269–279 

Charlotta Oddsdóttir, Hanna Kristrún Jónsdóttir, Erla Sturludóttir. Haematological reference intervals for pregnant Icelandic mares on pasture. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 2023. 

D'Agata, Alessia; Ponza, Daniele; Stroiu, Florin Adrian; Vardopoulos, Ioannis; Rontos, Kostas; Escriva, Francisco; Chelli, Francesco; Alaimo, Leonardo Salvatore; Salvati, Luca; Nickyain, Samaneh Sadat. Toward Sustainable Development Trajectories? Estimating Urban Footprints from High-Resolution Copernicus Layers in Athens, Greece. Land 12(8) 

Dahl, Mathilde Borg; Sollinger, Andrea; Siguros, Paul; Penueas, Josep; Janssens, Ivan; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Richter, Andreas; Tveit, Alexander; Urich, Tim. Long-term warming-induced trophic downgrading in the soil microbial food web. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 181 

Davide Frigo, Ólafur Eggertsson, Angela Luisa Prendin, Raffaella Dibona, Lucrezia Unterholzner, Marco Carrer. Growth form and leaf habit drive contrasting effects of Arctic amplification in long-lived woody species. Global Change Biology 29(20) 

Di Mauro, B., Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P., et al. Dust in Svalbard: local sources versus long-range transported dust. SESS report, Svalbard Int. Arctic Earth Obs. Sys., Longyearbyen, pp. 62-77,, 

Egill Gautason, Goutam Sahana, Bernt Guldbrandtsen, Peer Berg. Impact of kinship matrices on genetic gain and inbreeding with optimum contribution selection in a genomic dairy cattle breeding program. Genetics Selection Evolution 55(1) 

Elves-Powell, Joshua; Neo, Xavier; Park, Sehee; Woodroffe, Rosie; Lee, Hang; Axmacher, Jan C.; Durant, Sarah M. A preliminary assessment of the wildlife trade in badgers (Meles leucurus and Arctonyx spp.) (Carnivora: Mustelidae) in South Korea. Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 16(2):204-214 

Emmanuel Pierre Pagneux, Erla Sturludóttir, Rannveig Ólafsdóttir. Modelling of recreational trails in mountainous areas: An analysis of sensitivity to slope data resolution. Applied Geography 160 

Fan, Shunxiang; Axmacher, Jan C.; Shu, Hanjun; Liu, Yunhui. Ecological network design based on optimizing ecosystem services:case study in the Huang-Huai-Hai region, China. Ecological Indicators 150 

Fang, Chao; Verbrigghe, Niel; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Ostonen, Ivika; Leblans, Niki I.W.; Maranon-Jimenez, Sara; Fuchslueger, Lucia; Sigurdsson, Pall; Meeran, Kathiravan; Portillo-Estrada, Miguel; Verbruggen, Erik; Richter, Andreas; Sardans, Jordi; Penuelas, Josep; Bahn, Michael; Vicca, Sara; Janssens, Ivan A.A. Decadal soil warming decreased vascular plant above and belowground production in a subarctic grassland by inducing nitrogen limitation. New Phytologist 240(2): 565-576 

Ferrin, Miquel; Penuelas, Josep; Gargallo-Garriga, Albert; Iribar, Amaia; Janssens, Ivan A.; Maranon-Jimenez, Sara; Murienne, Jerome; Richter, Andreas; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Peguero, Guille. Responses of soil hexapod communities to warming are mediated by microbial carbon and nitrogen in a subarctic grassland. European Journal of Soil Biology 117 

Gerrits, Gijs M.; Waenink, Rik; Aradottir, Asa L.; Buisson, Elise; Dutoit, Thierry; Ferreira, Maxmiller C.; Fontaine, Joseph B.; Jaunatre, Renaud; Kardol, Paul; Loeb, Roos; Magro Ruiz, Sandra; Maltz, Mia; Paertel, Meelis; Peco, Begona; Piqueray, Julien; Pilon, Natasha A.L.; Santa-Regina, Ignacio; ... Synthesis on the effectiveness of soil translocation for plant community restoration. Journal of Applied Ecology 60(4):714-724 

Häkkinen, H.; Taylor, N.G.; Pettorelli, N.; Sutherland, W.J.; Aldará, J.; Anker-Nilssen, T.; Aulert, C.; van Bemmelen, R.S.A.; Burnell, D.; Cadiou, B.; Campioni, L.; Clark, B.L.; Dehnhard, N.; Dias, M.P.; Enners, L.; Furness, R.W.; Hallgrímsson, G.T.O.; Hammer, S.; Hansen, E.S.; Hario, M.; Hurling, S.; Jessopp, M.; Kleinschmidt, B.; … Co-developing guidance for conservation: An example for seabirds in the North-East Atlantic in the face of climate change impacts. Conservation Science and Practice 5(8) 

Harpa Stefánsdóttir, Jin Xue, Rasmus Steffansen, Petter Næss, Tim Richardson. The potential use pattern of second homes in response to climate change. The role of place attachment. Second Homes and Climate Change 140-156 bls. 

Hollister, R.D.; Elphinstone, C.; Henry, G.H.R.; Bjorkman, A.D.; Klanderud, K.; Bjoerk, R.G.; Bjoerkman, M.P.; Bokhorst, S.; Carbognani, M.; Cooper, E.J.; Dorrepaal, E.; Elmendorf, S.C.; Fetcher, N.; Gallois, E.C.; Gudmundsson, J.; Healey, N.C.; Jonsdottir, I.S.; Klarenberg, I.J.; Oberbauer, S.F.; Macek, P.; May, J.L.; Mereghetti, A.; Molau, U.; Petraglia, A.; Rinnan, R.; Rixen, C.; Wookey, P.A. A review of open top chamber (OTC) performance across the ITEX Network. Arctic Science 9(2):331-344 

Hubbard, Ella; Wearne, Samuel; Jonas, Krisztina; Norton, Jonny; Wilke, Maria. Where are you at? Re-engaging bioregional ideas and what they offer geography. Geography Compass 17(10) 

Isabel Pilar Catalan Barrio, Alessandro Rapini. Plants under pressure: the impact of environmental change on plant ecology and evolution.  BMC Ecology and Evolution 23(13):3bls. 

Isabel P.C. Barrio, Ólafur G. Arnalds. Agricultural Land Degradation in Iceland. Impact of Agriculture on Soil Degradation II bls. 159-177 

Jian Sun, Isabel P.C. Barrio. Fences and hydropower. Important but overlooked Human Footprint. Geography and Sustainability 4(4):340-342 10.1016/j.geosus.2023.08.002 

Jón Hjalti Eiríksson, Guosheng Su, Ismo Strandén, Ole F. Christensen. Segregation between breeds and local breed proportions in genetic and genomic models for crossbreds. Genetics Selection Evolution 55(1) 

Kaasik, Marko; Meinander, Outi; Leppanen, Leena; Anttila, Kati; Dagsson-Waldhauserova, Pavla; Ginnerup, Anders; Hampinen, Timo; Liu, Yijing; Gunnarsson, Andri; Langley, Kirsty; Arslan, Ali Nadir. Accuracy of Manual Snow Sampling, Depending on the Sampler's Cross-Section-A Comparative Study. Geosciences 13(7) 

Klarenberg, Ingeborg J.; Keuschnig, Christoph; Salazar, Alejandro; Benning, Liane G.; Vilhelmsson, Oddur. Moss and underlying soil bacterial community structures are linked to moss functional traits. Ecosphere 14(3) 

Kushbokov, A.U.; Barrio, I.C.; Jónsdóttir, I.S. Estimating the effects of grazing exclusion on the seed bank in Icelandic rangelands. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences 36:35-40 

Laura Barbero-Palacios, Kristy M. Ferraro, Isabel Pilar Catalan Barrio, Jennifer A. Krumins, Jordi Bartolomé ... Faecal nutrient deposition of domestic and wild herbivores in an alpine grassland. Science of the Total Environment 903:166616 

Lárusson, T.; Sveinbjörnsson, J. The effects of pelleting hay upon feed intake, digestibility, growth rate and energy retention of lambs. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences 36:55-68 

Matthias Kokorsch, Jóhanna Gísladóttir. You talk of threat, but we think of comfort: the role of place attachment in small remote communities in Iceland that experience avalanche threat. Regional Environmental Change 23(4) 

Meeran, Kathiravan; Verbrigghe, Niel; Ingrisch, Johannes; Fuchslueger, Lucia; Mueller, Lena; Sigurdsson, Pall; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Wachter, Herbert; Watzka, Margarete; Soong, Jennifer L.; Vicca, Sara; Janssens, Ivan A.; Bahn, Michael. Individual and interactive effects of warming and nitrogen supply on CO2 fluxes and carbon allocation in subarctic grassland. Global Change Biology 29(18):5276-5291  

Mona, L., Amiridis, V., Cuevas, E., Gkikas, A., Trippetta, S., Vandenbussche, S., Benedetti, A., Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P., Formenti, P., Haefele, A., Kazadzis, S., Knippertz, P., Laurent, B., Madonna, F., Nickovic, S., Papagiannopoulos, N., Pappalardo, G., García-Pando, C. P., Popp, T., Rodríguez, S., Sealy, A., Sugimoto, N., Terradellas, E., Vimic, A. V., Weinzierl, B., & Basart, S., 2023. Observing mineral dust in Northern Africa, the middle east and europe: current capabilities and challenges ahead for the development of dust services. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 23,, 

Nickayin, S.S. Waterscape in Hjari Veraldar: The 'Last Habitable Edge of the Earth'. Ri-Vista, Research for Landscape Architecture, 23(01):122-140 ISSN 1724-6768 

Nickayin, S. From (Mega) Regionalism Towards Planetary Scale in Landscape Architecture. In T. Bevk, M., Golobič (Eds.)Scales of Change, Conference European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools 71-80 pp. University of Ljubljana. 

Nickayin, S.S. Geothermal Wastewater Management To Create A Circular Economy. Taking advantage of the abundant thermal wastewater in Iceland. In Stefanakis, A.  and Nikolaou, I. (Ed.) Circular Economy and Sustainable Development: A Necessary Nexus for a Sustainable Future. Springer Nature 121-127 pp.harp 

Nickayin, S. Dualismo. Citta versus foreste. In: Bianconi, F.; Fillippucci, M.; Zagari, F.; Clemente M.; Meschini, M. (Eds.) Hortus Lizori: Percorsi sulla rappresentazione del paesaggio e la valorizzazione del patrimonio storico culturale. Rimini (Italy): Maggioli Editore 163-181 pp. ISBN: 978-88-916-6209-5 

Nickayin, S.S; Jahelka, A.;Ye, Sh.; Perrone, F.; Salvati, L. “Planning for Just Cities with Nature-Based Solutions: Sustainability and Socio-Environmental Inequalities in San José de Chamanga, Ecuador”, Land 2023, 12:604. 

Nickayin, Samaneh Sadat; Egidi, Gianluca; Cudlin, Pavel; Salvati, Luca. Investigating metropolitan change through mathematical morphology and a dynamic factor analysis of structural and functional land-use indicators. Scientific Reports 13(1) 

Oddsdóttir, C.; Sturludóttir, E.; Sigurðardóttir, Ó.G.; Valgeirsdóttir, B.; Eyjólfsdóttir, E.I.; Björnsdóttir, S. Accumulation of fluoride in Icelandic sheep and horses 2007-2019 and the effect of proximity to aluminium smelters. Icelandic Agricultural Sciences 36:3-19 

Olstad, K.; Ekman, S.; Björnsdóttir, S.; Fjordbakk, C.T.; Hansson, K.; Sigurdsson, S.F.; Ley, C.J. Osteochondrosis in the central and third tarsal bones of young horses. Veterinary Pathology 16(1) 

Ólafur Arnalds. Mold ert þú - jarðvegur og íslensk náttúra. IÐNÚ útgáfa, Reykjavík. 525bls. 

Owczarek, P., Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P., Opała-Owczarek, M., Migała, K., Arnalds, O., Schaetzl, R.J., 2022. Aeolian erosion rates in northeastern Iceland, as indicated by changes in growth rings and cell sizes of Arctic dwarf shrub roots. Geoderma 428:116173 

Qingqing Chen; Shaopeng Wang; Elizabeth T. Borer; Jonathan D. Bakker; Eric W. Seabloom; ... Isabel Pilar Catalana Barrio; ... Yann Hautier. Multidimensional responses of grassland stability to eutrophication. Nature Communications 14(6375) 

Sigurdardottir, Heidrun; Boije, Henrik; Albertsdottir, Elsa; Kristjansson, Thorvaldur; Rhodin, Marie; Lindgren, Gabriella; Eriksson, Susanne. The genetics of gaits in Icelandic horses goes beyond DMRT3, with RELN and STAU2 identified as two new candidate genes. Genetics Selection Evolution 55(1) 

Smit, Ineke H.; Hernlund, Elin; Persson-Sjodin, Emma; Bjornsdottir, Sigridur; Gunnarsdottir, Helga; Gunnarsson, Vikingur; Rhodin, Marie; Braganca, Filipe M. Serra. Adaptation strategies of the Icelandic horse with induced forelimb lameness at walk, trot and tolt. Equine Veterinary Journal 

Sofia Karabatsos, Nicholas C. Larter, Danny G. Allaire, Kayla Eykelboom, Cesar Estevo ... Isabel Pilar Catalana Barrio... Dall's sheep horn growth and harvest management in the Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada. Journal of Wildlife Management 

Sol Rodríguez-Martínez, Ólafur Gestur Arnalds, Jón Guðmundsson, María Svavarsdóttir, Fanney Ósk Gísladóttir ... Exposure to sulfur in soil explains pigmentation by pheomelanin in birds inhabiting Iceland. Journal of Ornithology 164(3):639-649 

Stadler, C. What must be considered in winter strawberry production under LEDs in Iceland? Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica section B, Soil & Plant Science, 73(1):152-160 DOI:10.1080/09064710.2023.2251498 

Sun, J.; Barrio, I.C. Fences and hydropower: Important but overlooked Human Footprint. Geography and Sustainability 4(4):340-342 

Thakur, Madhav P.; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Sigurdsson, Pall; Holmstrup, Martin. Warming shifts the biomass distribution of soil microarthropod communities. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 177 

Varga, Gyorgy; Meinander, Outi; Rostasi, Agnes; Dagsson-Waldhauserova, Pavla; Csavics, Adrienn; Gresina, Fruzsina. Saharan, Aral-Caspian and Middle East dust travels to Finland (1980-2022). Environment International 180 

Vladimir Mikryukov, Olesya Dulya, Alexander Zizka, Mohammad Bahram, Niloufar Hagh-Doust ... Isabel Pilar Catalana Barrio... Connecting the multiple dimensions of global soil fungal diversity. Science advances 9(48) DOI:10.1126/sciadv.adj8016  

Wearne, Samuel; Hubbard, Ella; Jonas, Krisztina; Wilke, Maria. A learning journey into contemporary bioregionalism. People and Nature: 2124-2140 

Weedon, James T.; Baath, Erland; Rijkers, Ruud; Reischke, Stephanie; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Oddsdottir, Edda; van Hal, Jurgen; Aerts, Rien; Janssens, Ivan A.; van Bodegom, Peter M. Community adaptation to temperature explains abrupt soil bacterial community shift along a geothermal gradient on Iceland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 177 

Wilke, Maria. Comparing Public Participation in Coastal and Marine Planning in the Arctic: Lessons from Iceland and Norway. Coasts 3(4):345-369  

Wilke, Maria. Public participation in marine spatial planning in Iceland. Frontiers in Marine Science 10 

Wilke, Maria; Kristjánsdóttir, S. Under the surface: climatic and societal challenges in marine spatial planning in the Westfjords of Iceland.Climate 11(8):172  

Zhao, Jinqi; Xiao, Yi; Zhang, Yanliang; Shao, Yuting; Ma, Tianxiao; Kou, Xiaojun; Zhang, Yuanyuan; Sang, Weiguo; Axmacher, Jan Christoph. Socioeconomic development shows positive links to the conservation efficiency of China's protected area network. Global Change Biology 29(12):3433-3448 


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