
The general examination periods at the AUI are at the end of each semester, twice in autumn and twice in spring. Distance learning students can take exams at local exams-locations at own expence.
Exams locations for on-site are in Hvanneyri and Keldnaholt. For further information contact Academic Office. Makeup exams (due to illness) are held after the general examination periods before the new semester starts in January and August.
All further information at the Academic Office
Tel. (+354) 433-5000 or via email kennsluskrifstofa@lbhi.is.

Examination Schedules
Registered AUI students can display their personal schedule in Ugla by clicking My Ugla → My courses → My examination schedule.
Examination schedules are published four weeks prior to exams.
Examination schedules are published four weeks prior to exams.
Digital Examinations
Illness during examinations
Exam Locations
Makeup exams