Agricultural Sciences
Masters in Agricultural Science is a individual research-based M.Sc. The aim of this programme is to provide individual scientific education and training in agricultural science.

The research-based M.Sc. usually involves a 60 ECTS independent research project and 60 ECTS in courses. Only 14 ECTS are compulsory courses; a course in scientific writing, a course on research ethics, and (active participation in) graduate school seminars. The rest of the courses should support the student´s in their individual research project. These can be taken at AUI or other qualified academic institutions within Iceland or abroad.When a student applies to the research-based M.Sc., they will be appointed a contact person from AUI’s academic staff, if theyr haven’t already found one. This person helps the student to develop a research project idea, find at least two qualified supervisors to form a M.Sc. committee, and to make suggestions on which courses should be included in the project plan. The course selection should support the research theme in a logical manner, fulfilling the general learning outcomes of AUI’s M.Sc. studies.
Program director for graduate studies Hlynur Óskarsson
Regulations for graduate studies

Here is a link to the regulations for graduate studies at the Agricultural University of Iceland.

- Reglur um meistaranám
- Umsókn um meistaranám
- Einstaklingsbundin námsáætlun og samningur fyrir rannsóknamiðað MS nám
- Minnisblað um framgang námsins
- Námsáætlun og samningur fyrir námskeiðsmiðað MS nám í skipulagsfræði
- Frágangur, skil og vörn MS ritgerða
- Matskvarði fyrir einkunnir-MS ritgerðir
- MS forsíða – íslenska
- MS forsíða – enska
- Lesáfangi MS-PhD
- Leiðbeiningar fyrir MS erindi